Auto-Tailing Logs

Sven Fuchs,

From the very beginning one of Travis CI’s most outstanding features was streaming logs from test runs that happen on workers to the client application which runs in your browser. It can be just mesmerizing to watch your tests run live on Travis CI:

Many repositories use a short one-dot-per-test style output so watching the logs while tests always worked great. But many other repositories use a much more verbose log output so watching their logs live requires to continously scroll to the bottom of the page as new log output comes in.

Thus, one of the most requested features has been a switch that would make the page stick to the bottom of the log file.

Today we have shipped this feature. It still needs some polishing but it should do its job so we thought we shouldn’t hold it back. Watch the demo video from our feature pull request:

… or simply head over to Travis CI and try it out.

Of course this feature is also available on Travis CI Pro starting today.


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