OpsWorks, Cloudfiles, and Divshot Deployment

Joshua Anderson,

Over the holidays, we have been very busy adding support for deploying to several new providers: AWS OpsWorks, Rackspace Cloud Files, and Divshot.

AWS OpsWorks

To start deploying to AWS OpsWorks, add the following to your .travis.yml.

  provider: opsworks
  access-key-id: <AWS Secret Access Key>
  secret-access-key: <AWS Secret Access Key>    
  app-id: <AWS App Id>

We recommend you encrypt the AWS Secret Access Key in your .travis.yml

You can always use the travis tool to set this up as well.

$ travis setup opsworks

To read more about deployment to AWS OpsWorks you can go here.

Rackspace Cloud Files

To push files to Rackspace after every build, sign up for Rackspace Cloud Files and add the following to your travis.yml.

  provider: cloudfiles
  username: <Rackspace Username>
  api-key:  <Rackspace Api Key>
  region:   <Cloudfiles Region>
  container:<Cloudfiles Container>

We recommend you encrypt the Api Key in your .travis.yml.

You can always use the travis tool to set this up as well.

$ travis setup cloudfiles

To learn more about pushing files to Rackspace Cloud files you can go here.


To get started with Divshot, just sign up and add the following to your .travis.yml.

  provider: divshot
  api-key: <api-key>

We recommend you encrypt the api key in your .travis.yml.

As always, you can use the travis tool to set this up as well.

$ travis setup divshot

Read more about Divshot deployment here.

Send a huge thank you to the many volunteers that contributed to make this possible: Johannes Würbach, Brad Gignac, and Joshua Anderson.

Is your provider still missing?

We’ve been adding support for lots of new providers, but there are still plenty more out there. If you’d like to support for your cloud provider on Travis CI, please shoot us an email.

Or, send us a pull request over at our dpl repository.

Thank You to the Services that make Travis CI Possible

Mathias Meyer's Gravatar Mathias Meyer,

Travis CI is a hosted services, but also relies on other hosted services to be up and running.

It’s thanks to these services that we can focus on shipping, sleep at night, be notified when things are broken and get good insight as to what our code is doing in production

A big thank you from all of us at Travis CI!

Heroku for providing us with an environment that allows us to focus on code, removing the burden of shipping fast, for storing our data, and for having so many awesome people that we can rely on when things are broken.

Blue Box for managing our infrastructure, which is currently running 65.000 tests per day.

Pusher for streaming those log messages to your browser, so many of them.

Stripe for processing our payments and for being such big supporters of Travis CI.

Papertrail for storing our logs, lots and lots of logs, allowing us to trace the events in our system. Also, Eric Lindvall for being awesome.

Librato Metrics for collecting our precious metrics, giving us insight into what’s happening on and in Travis CI.

DNSimple for making sure travis-ci.org and travis-ci.com are there for you.

OpsGenie for letting us know when something is broken.

StatusPage for giving us a nice and easy way to communicate with our customers when our site is down.

HelpScout for helping us help our customers.

Hosted Chef for letting us easily automate the few bits of Travis CI that run on dedicated infrastructure.

Sentry for patiently catching all of the runtime errors in production.

CloudAMQP for letting the orange rabbit roar and letting us push hundreds of build log messages per second.

Mandrill for notifying you when your builds are broken or fixed (yay!).

Swiftype for making our documentation easily searchable.

Last but not least, GitHub, without who we wouldn’t exist.

But most importantly, thank you (yes, that’s you!) for being awesome, giving us great feedback and help push Travis CI forward!

Thank you all for helping us build, maintain and operate Travis CI!

Happy Holidays from all of us at Travis CI!

Test PHP Code with the HipHop VM

Mathias Meyer's Gravatar Mathias Meyer,

Late last week, the HipHop VM team shipped version 2.3.0 of their JIT-based virtual machine for PHP.

Not only does this release use 20% less CPU in Facebook’s production environment than the previous version, comes with support for FastCGI, it’s now also natively supported on Travis CI!

Testing your PHP code on the HipHop VM is easy, just add hhvm as your desired PHP version:

  - hhvm

For inspiration, check out all the projects currently working on adding support for HipHop VM in their build matrix.

There are a few open issues left, but if you run into any problems, report them either to our issue tracker or to the HipHop team!

To learn more about HipHop, be sure to check out this post describing the HipHop VM architecture and the details the team continuously publishes on their own blog.

A big thank you to Loic Frering for the work he’s contributed to make HipHop VM available on Travis CI!