Send a huge thank you to the many volunteers that contributed to make this possible: Johannes Würbach, Brad Gignac, and Joshua Anderson.
Is your provider still missing?
We’ve been adding support for lots of new providers, but there are still plenty more out there.
If you’d like to support for your cloud provider on Travis CI, please shoot us an email.
Travis CI is a hosted services, but also relies on other hosted services to be
up and running.
It’s thanks to these services that we can focus on shipping, sleep at night, be
notified when things are broken and get good insight as to what our code is
doing in production
A big thank you from all of us at Travis CI!
Heroku for providing us with an environment that
allows us to focus on code, removing the burden of shipping fast, for storing
our data, and for having so many awesome people that we can rely on when things
are broken.
Blue Box for managing our infrastructure, which is
currently running 65.000 tests per day.
Pusher for streaming those log messages to your
browser, so many of them.
Stripe for processing our payments and for being such
big supporters of Travis CI.
Papertrail for storing our logs, lots and lots
of logs, allowing us to trace the events in our system. Also, Eric
Lindvall for being awesome.
Librato Metrics for collecting our precious metrics,
giving us insight into what’s happening on and in Travis CI.
Not only does this release use 20% less CPU in Facebook’s production environment
than the previous version, comes with support for FastCGI, it’s now also
natively supported on Travis CI!
Testing your PHP code on the HipHop VM is easy, just add hhvm as your desired
PHP version: