Speeding Up Your Tests By Parallelizing Them

Mathias Meyer,

In private projects, such as the ones our customers are running on Travis Pro, a large integration test suite is a common part of the build process.

As these integration test suites tend to test more complex scenarios through the entire stack, they also tend to be the slowest part, requiring multiple minutes to run, sometimes even up to half an hour.

To speed up a test suite like that, you can break it up into several parts using Travis’ build matrix feature.

Neo dodging bullets

Say you want to split up your unit tests and your integration tests into two different build jobs. They’ll run in parallel and fully utilize the available build capacity for your account.

Here’s an example on how to utilize this feature in your .travis.yml:

  - TEST_SUITE=units
  - TEST_SUITE=integration

Then you change your script command to use the new environment variable to determine the script to run.

script: "bundle exec rake test:$TEST_SUITE"

Travis will determine the build matrix based on the environment variables and schedule two builds to run.

The neat part about this setup is that the unit test suite is usually going to be done before the integration test suite, giving you a faster visual feedback on the basic test coverage.

Depending on the size and complexity of your test suite you can split it up even further. You could separate different concerns for integration tests into different subfolders and run them in separate stages of a build matrix.

  - TESTFOLDER=integration/user
  - TESTFOLDER=integration/shopping_cart
  - TESTFOLDER=integration/payments
  - TESTFOLDER=units

Then you can adjust your script command to run rspec for every subfolder:

script: "bundle exec rspec $TESTFOLDER"

For instance, the Rails project uses the build matrix feature to create separate jobs for every database to test against, and also to split up the tests by concern. One set runs tests only for the railties, another one for actionpack, actionmailer, activesupport, and a whole bunch of sets runs the activerecord tests against multiple databases. See their .travis.yml file for more examples.

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