Quality of Service

Philip Arndt,

![Busy Queue](/images/qos.001.jpg)
Two projects with a lot of builds.

Sometimes it can appear like Travis CI was only built to run the test suite of a single project because that project has completely “filled up the queue” and your builds appear to be scheduled very far down the list.

You will be very happy to know that this is not the case thanks to some simple Quality of Service measures we put in place late last year.

When someone decides to push a lot of commits to one or many different projects and use up lots of places in the queue, Travis CI will only allow them to use up five worker slots at any one time. This is implemented at an owner level and not a project level which means that one user, or one organisation, can’t push commits for multiple projects and use all the workers; the rest of their jobs will enter the queue.

And you’ll be pleased to know that we’re also working hard on a new VM setup which will result in more efficient use of our existing queuing and available VMs to reduce the time that everyone spends waiting for jobs to be run. After all, we want you to receive your build results as soon as possible to keep you happy!

Happy Monday,

The Travis Team

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