Deploy Your cloudControl Apps with Travis CI

Mathias Meyer,

Today we’re happy to announce continuous deployment support for cloudControl, a cloud application platform provider from Berlin, Germany.

They’re Berlin locals, just like us, and they’ve been incredible supporters of Travis CI.

The great news is that you can now deploy your applications to cloudControl after a successful build.

It’s as simple as adding the following to your .travis.yml:

  provider: cloudcontrol
  password: "YOUR-PASSWORD" # encrypted, of course
  deployment: "YOUR-APP-NAME" # optional, defaults to your repository name

Make sure to use our travis command line tool to encrypt your password.

To see all the available options for deployments to cloudControl, see our documentation.

We have a little example app running on there, neatly deployed from Travis CI.

To get started using cloudControl, check out their quickstart guide.

Make sure to read their announcement blog post!

Happy shipping!

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