Upcoming Build Environment Updates

Josh Kalderimis,

We’re preparing a rollout of fresh updates and new features for our build environment, and wanted to keep you in the loop on what’s coming, what’s changing, and what’s possibly breaking.

We’ll be rolling out these changes to https://travis-ci.org on Wednesday, November 20. The changes will be rolled out to https://travis-ci.com the following week, on November 26.

If you’re having any problems after the upgrade, please file an issue or contact support directly.

A big thank you goes to Gilles Cornu, who’s been helping a lot with this upgrade. He’s contributed one of the biggest features added with this update, the ability to switch PostgreSQL versions.

Here are all the details on what’s new.

Language Updates:


  • Clang has been updated to 3.3.


  • Go 1.1.2 now preinstalled and set as the default.


  • All JDKs have been updated to their latest releases.
  • Support for Java 8 via OracleJDK 8 EA, see below for more details.
  • Gradle has been updated to v1.8
  • Leinigen has been updated to v2.3.1
  • Maven has ben updated to v3.1.1

Erlang / OTP

  • Erlang releases 16B, 16B02, 16B01 are now available.


  • Node.js releases have been updated to 0.8.25, 0.8.26, 0.10.22, and 0.11.8.
  • For backwards compatibility, 0.8.23, 0.8.25, and 0.10.18 are still available.


  • PHP releases have been updated to 5.3.27, 5.4.22, and 5.5.6 respectively
  • New PHP modules are available by default: kerberos, imap, imap-ssl


  • Python 2.5 has been removed due to very low overall usage and breaking changes in pip and virtualenv.
  • PyPy was updated to 2.2


  • Ruby versions have been updated to their latest patchlevel releases: 2.0.0-p247 and 1.9.3-p448
  • Ruby 2.1.0-preview1 is available.
  • Ruby and JRuby head are now continuously up-to-date with latest changes.
  • Support for Ruby Enterprise Edition 1.8.7 2011.12 (please remember that this version has been declared End Of Life, and is not supported anymore in production)


  • Scala 2.10.3 is set as the new default.
  • sbt 0.13.0 is set as new default, but other releases can be specified in your build configuration
  • Build download time improved for Scala projects: Scala and sbt boot libraries are now preinstalled for following Scala versions: 2.11.0-M5, 2.10.3, 2.10.2, 2.10.1, 2.10.0, 2.9.3, 2.9.2
  • Scala SBT and JVM default tunings will now only be effective when language: scala is selected (see https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-build/pull/154). It means that having an other language in .travis.yml will lead to use default settings from sbt-extras (which should be good enough).
  • Maven is installed from Apache packages, which solves an annoying bug where builds wrongly assume Java 1.3 to be the source version when compiling code.

Updates to the pre-installed database services and tools

  • Support for PostgreSQL 9.1, 9.2, and 9.3. You can select the version that’s running in your build environment in your .travis.yml.
  • All PostgreSQL versions are pre-configured with PostGIS 2.1 and other modules.
  • Breaking change: memcached and redis-server are not auto-started anymore, make sure to add them to the services section in your .travis.yml.
  • Cassandra v2.0.2
  • ElasticSearch: v0.90.5
  • MongoDB: v2.4.8
  • Neo4J: v1.9.4
  • PhantomJs: v1.9.2
  • Redis: v2.6.16
  • Riak: v1.4.2-1
  • Sphinx 1.10 was removed, versions 2.0.9, 2.1.3, and 2.2.1 are now available

Other changes to the build environment

  • The data partition shared by PostgreSQL and MySQL has been increased to 768 MB available disk space.

New Features

  • Java 8 is now available thanks to the early access releases of OracleJDK 8. Select oraclejdk8 to start testing with it.

Known Issues

  • At the moment, Gradle does not work with Oracle JDK 8 on Travis CI virtual machines. We’re investigating and should have an update soon.
  • Travis CI is still equipped by default with gcc-4.6, but we are aware that C++11 projects need gcc-4.8 and we are working on an update.

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