Deploy to AppFog and S3!

Aaron Hill,

Following in the wake of PyPI and NPM support, we’re happy to announce support for deploying to AppFog and Amazon S3!

Deploying to AppFog

Getting started is easy. Sign up for an account with AppFog, and create an app.

Once your app is set up, simply add the following to your .travis.yml:

  provider: appfog
  email: "YOUR EMAIL"
  password: "YOUR PASSWORD" # should be encrypted

To encrypt your password, install the Travis client, then run travis encrypt. You will be prompted to enter in your password.

Or, assuming you have the Travis client installed, just use the setup command:

$ travis setup appfog

Pushing to S3

To set up pushing to S3, you’ll first need to create an account with Amazon S3, and create a bucket.

Once your bucket is set up, just add this to your .travis.yml:

  provider: s3
  access-key-id: "Your ACCESS KEY ID"
  secret-access-key: "YOUR SECRET ACCESS KEY" # should be encrypted
  bucket: "YOUR S3 BUCKET NAME"

As with AppFog, you’ll need to install our command line client in order to encrypt the secret access key.

Alternatively, you can just use the setup command:

$ travis setup s3

That’s it!

Is your provider still missing?

We’ve been adding support for lots of new providers, but there are still plenty more out there. If you’d like to support for your cloud provider on Travis CI, please shoot us an email.

Or, send us a pull request over at our dpl repository.

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