OpsWorks, Cloudfiles, and Divshot Deployment

Joshua Anderson,

Over the holidays, we have been very busy adding support for deploying to several new providers: AWS OpsWorks, Rackspace Cloud Files, and Divshot.

AWS OpsWorks

To start deploying to AWS OpsWorks, add the following to your .travis.yml.

  provider: opsworks
  access-key-id: <AWS Secret Access Key>
  secret-access-key: <AWS Secret Access Key>    
  app-id: <AWS App Id>

We recommend you encrypt the AWS Secret Access Key in your .travis.yml

You can always use the travis tool to set this up as well.

$ travis setup opsworks

To read more about deployment to AWS OpsWorks you can go here.

Rackspace Cloud Files

To push files to Rackspace after every build, sign up for Rackspace Cloud Files and add the following to your travis.yml.

  provider: cloudfiles
  username: <Rackspace Username>
  api-key:  <Rackspace Api Key>
  region:   <Cloudfiles Region>
  container:<Cloudfiles Container>

We recommend you encrypt the Api Key in your .travis.yml.

You can always use the travis tool to set this up as well.

$ travis setup cloudfiles

To learn more about pushing files to Rackspace Cloud files you can go here.


To get started with Divshot, just sign up and add the following to your .travis.yml.

  provider: divshot
  api-key: <api-key>

We recommend you encrypt the api key in your .travis.yml.

As always, you can use the travis tool to set this up as well.

$ travis setup divshot

Read more about Divshot deployment here.

Send a huge thank you to the many volunteers that contributed to make this possible: Johannes Würbach, Brad Gignac, and Joshua Anderson.

Is your provider still missing?

We’ve been adding support for lots of new providers, but there are still plenty more out there. If you’d like to support for your cloud provider on Travis CI, please shoot us an email.

Or, send us a pull request over at our dpl repository.

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