Deploy Your Apps to Nodejitsu

Konstantin Haase's Gravatar Konstantin Haase,

Nodejitsu offers simple, reliable and intelligent Node.js hosting

Recently we announced built-in support for deploying to Heroku.

Last week we sat together with our awesome customers and good friends from Nodejitsu and are pleased to announce that we now also offer first class support for continuous deployment to their amazing platform!

All you need to do is add the following to your .travis.yml:

  provider: nodejitsu
  user: "YOUR USER NAME"
  api_key: "YOUR API KEY" # can of course be encrypted

But we’ve made it even simpler than that: If you have our command line tool installed, you just use the brand new setup command:

$ travis setup nodejitsu
[Nuno Job]( and [Maciej Małecki]( were a great help in implementing this feature


This feature is immediately available to all our users including our Travis Pro customers.

Conditional deploys

You can make deploys conditional. For instance, if you only want to deploy from the staging branch and only on Node.js 0.11 if it is passing (but you also test on other versions):

  provider: nodejitsu
  user: ...
  api_key: ...
    node: "0.11"
    branch: staging

For more infos, head over to the documentation.

Your Nodejitsu project on Travis CI

If you have a project hosted on Nodejitsu and would love get started on Travis CI for your private projects, email before the 29th of July for a 20% off for three months coupon.

Provider still missing?

You run your application in the cloud and would love to have Travis CI automatically deploy to it, but we don’t support your provider at the moment? Please let us know!

Already using continuous deployment? Tell us about your experience.

Introducing Travis, Our New Mascot!

Josh Kalderimis's Gravatar Josh Kalderimis,

Introducing Travis!

One of the most common questions we get when we go to a conference or a user group meeting is ‘Who is Travis?’

Thanks to the awesome people at Sticker Mule, we can now introduce you to Travis himself, the mustasche behind every one of your builds!

‘Why Travis?’

The first incarnation of Travis was not a standalone tool or service, in fact Travis was first meant to work together with Integrity, another CI tool, and a RubyGem called Bob, which was a builder for Integrity. In fact, if you visit the link to the Bob RubyGem page you will see the description “Bob the Builder will build your code”.

I don’t know if you watch a lot of children’s shows, but at Travis we love children’s TV shows, and Sven is probably the biggest fan of them. In fact when Sven was thinking of a good name for Travis he was watching lots of cartoons, especially one in particular, Bob The Builder.

On the show there is a character named Travis, a tractor, who helps out the crew when they need it. As Travis was initially built to work with Bob the builder (the RubyGem), the name seemed fitting.

Although Travis CI doesn’t use Integrity or Bob (the builder), Travis is his own man, doing his own thing, making it on his own, and boy he is awesome at it!

Thank you Sticker Mule!

The awesomeness which is ‘Travis’ has only been made possible by the amazing help from Sticker Mule, especially David.

David has been amazing, creating several mock-ups for us, taking all our feedback and then iterating and improving and creating more awesome each and every time. They have even been so awesome to provide us with a huge stack of stickers so we can give them out at conferences and whenever we see a Travis fan!

Thank you Sticker Mule!

David is the head-designer-extraordinaire at Sticker Mule, you can follow them on Twitter, or see some of the great stuff they create on Dribble.

We can’t gush enough about the quality of the Sticker Mule stickers, and it only makes it more amazing that the guys behind Sticker Mule are awesome. They sponsored us with stickers and design help since our early days, and were a tremendous help when we needed some stickers for our crowd funding campaign.

The DevSwag Travis Sticker Pack!

BUT THAT’S NOT ALL!!! Grabbing your very own Travis sticker is possible right now! Thanks to DevSwag we have a Travis sticker pack ready to ship today!

If you like what David and Sticker Mule have created, why not send them a thank you tweet, or better yet, give them a High 5 or Hug next time you see them :)

We <3 you Sticker Mule!

An Extra Treat

Our awesome friends at Less Films created this for us a while ago and we wanted to share it with everyone again :) (we <3 you guys!)

Staff Picks (and a little Birthday treat)

Mathias Meyer's Gravatar Mathias Meyer,

A fresh list of things to read for you, relevant to the general interests around continuous integration and application architecture, and a special birthday treat to boot!

Micro Service Architecture

A great post on breaking up your application into physically and logically separated services and the challenges and questions that come along with it.

Continuous Delivery

Martin Fowler gives a short overview of the principles and ideas of continuous delivery, which is more than just having an automated way of deploying to production (which we just so happened to launch yesterday). Continuous delivery is a matter of company culture. Make sure to look at Jez Humble’s book on the topic too.

Using Travis CI for Racket Projects

Greg Hendershott wrote up a great guide on using Travis CI for projects written in Racket, a Lisp dialect.

My birthday treat to you!

It’s my birthday today, and I have a little birthday treat for you. The first 10 people to email get a sweet discount for Travis CI for private repositories. The discount is only valid for new customers and only valid until the end of the week. Hurry!