Books That Helped Shape Our Business

Mathias Meyer's Gravatar Mathias Meyer,

We’ve been working on turning Travis CI into a business for more than a year now. While we’re working hard to go public for everyone to use our platform for private repositories, there have been quite a few books that have inspired us.

You’ll notice that none of them relates to code or continuous integration, but that’s a good thing. Building a product involves only so much code, but it involves a lot more of marketing, customer support, improving the user experience, finding the right price, and a lot more.

I’ve been reading a lot of books to give me food for thought in these directions, and I wanted to share some of them.

The Knack

The Knack deals a lot with the every day of running a business. While a lot of it is drawn from running bike courier and box storage companies, there’s a lot of inspiration to draw for online businesses like ours, in particular when it comes to numbers (finding the right price, margins, and so on) and handling customers. A highly recommended and easily approachable read.

Pricing With Confidence: 10 Ways to Stop Leaving Money on the Table

Finding the right price for a product is never an easy task. It certainly has cost us months to get to a point where we’re comfortable, and it’s thanks to this book.

If you need to find outside reasoning on how to find the right price for your product, this book is for you.

To give you some ideas on what the book is about, you should read Amy Hoy’s posts on it: “The Hazards of Cake and Icing Pricing”, “When Customers Bitch About Your Price”, and “Will Low Prices Help You Sell More?”.

Don’t Just Roll The Dice

I consider this the little brother of “Pricing With Confidence”. It’s a short read on finding the right price, and will make you want to know more about motivations behind higher prices, value addons, and all that.

Best of all: it’s free!

How To Make Friends and Influence People

A classic in its own right, dating back to the 1930s, but still very relevant when it comes to dealing with other people.

Customer support involves people approaching you in all kinds of mood, and it’s the art of turning every customer around by treating them right. This book was an eye-opener for me in this regard.

It’s a must-read not just when you’re looking at running your own business, but to help you deal with all kinds of people every day.

Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions

This is an incredible book, full of empirical proof on how humans decide on things. It starts out with a great bang that’ll help you structure your pricing right, gives you inspiration on how you can utilize free stuff to sell your product, and a lot more.

An inspiration read, full of good stuff. Best of all, it’s all backed up by studies to give you a great insight on how humans decide on things.

Start Small, Stay Small

A book full of good examples on running a profitable small business without feeling the need to go for insane growth, but rather to go for a profitable product, how to market it, and how to find the right audience. An easy but great read.

The Power of Habit

A great exploration of human habits and how companies utilize them to benefit their own business and how they shape our every day. It may not seem about business on the surface, but everything in this book is very applicable for turning your customers into loyal customers and making them happy.

Drop The Pink Elephant: 15 Ways to Say What You Mean…and Mean What You Say

This book has taught us a lot on how we talk to customers, and how we compose blog posts, marketing messages, product information, and even how we write our post-mortems.

It’s about dropping ambiguous words from what you say to other people and be more to the point. Instead of saying no, don’t or anything negative, it’s about focusing on positive outcome, on focusing what you want to achieve.

Most importantly, this book is about honesty, an honorable trait in any business.

Time For A VM Update

Josh Kalderimis's Gravatar Josh Kalderimis,

Happy Monday Everyone!

We love starting off the week with great news!

After a bit of a delay, we are happy to let everyone know that our VMs have been updated with a host of fixes, updates, and general polish and shine. From language versions, to services, to system settings.

These VM changes will be live for users tomorrow (Tuesday 18 June, 12pm CEST), and for users on Monday next week (24th June, 12pm CEST).

If you have any issues or requests, please create an issue on our issue tracker.

Below are the full details of the updates included in the VM refresh.

Have a great Monday,

Josh and the Travis Team.

Language Updates:


  • JRuby 1.7.4
  • MRI 1.9.3-p429 and p327, and 2.0.0-p195


  • 0.8.24, 0.10.9 and 0.11.2


  • 1.1.1 preinstalled and set as the default


  • 5.3.26, 5.4.16 and 5.5.0RC3


  • added 5.8, 5.18 and 5.19
  • updated current versions to 5.12.5, 5.14.4, and 5.16.3


  • latest patch versions installed

Services Updates:

Redis: v2.6.13

ElasticSearch: v0.90.1

MongoDB: v2.4.4

Cassandra: v1.2.5

PhantomJs: v1.9.1

Note worthy mentions:

  • Clojure: Leinigen updated to v2.2

  • Composer: Read-only GitHub OAuth token added, this should help resolve rate limit issues.

  • PHP: PEAR is now available on v5.5

  • Cassandra: Config fixed, service should now start up like a dream.

  • Postgres: shmmax and shmmall both increased

  • Tmpfs for Mysql and Postgres DBs doubled to 512megs

  • Mirrors removed: We provided EU based mirrors for Maven and Perl, these have been removed as our VMs are based in the US.

  • FireFox locked to 19.0, see for more info

Unit Testing Your Production Code With Metrics And Logs

Mathias Meyer's Gravatar Mathias Meyer,

Travis CI and continuous integration are all about making sure your code is fulfilling the expectations set against it by way of your tests, whether they be unit tests, functional tests, or integration tests.

Moving into the realm of continuous delivery though, you get to a simple question: How can you ensure that your code does what it’s expected to do when running in production?

When code runs in production, it doesn’t have the protection of a clean environment like your tests do. It’s suddenly exposed to the harsh reality of life in production and therefore to random influences and emerging situations, like network timeouts, slow disks, errors in third-party APIs.

As you ship code more often to production, you need to ensure that your code is doing what’s expected of it. You need automated ways of collecting data and you need automated ways to make them easy to analyze.

You need metrics, and you need logs.

Metrics: The What

Metrics allow you to slap a number on anything, to measure how often something is run, how long it’s taking, how much memory a process is consuming, how long a page took to render, how long a database query took, how many external API calls have failed, how many errors your application has been raising, how many failed logins you’ve had on your site.

In short, anything that moves. Anything that’s indicative of potential problems on the site or that’ll help you investigate when problems occur. Rest assured, they will occur.

Metrics allow you to stay up-to-date on what’s going on inside of your application, but on a numerical level. Depending on the tools you use, you’ll also get nice ways to visualize the data you collect over time.

Here’s a list of things that we’re tracking in a normal workflow of a build in Travis CI:

  • Request times accessing the GitHub API to fetch the .travis.yml
  • The number of GitHub notifications we handle that get turned into a build
  • The number of builds that are run as trial builds on
  • The time it takes from a build being created until it’s scheduled to run
  • The number of currently running builds
  • The time since the last build was started
  • The time since the last build has finished
  • The time it took for the build environment to boot
  • The number of email notifications we send

This is just a sample, but there’s a lot going on in Travis CI. Here’s an example, the number of builds currently running on

What’s more important, it’s very easy to add new metrics and have them be collected in our collection system. We use Librato Metrics to store and visualize our data, and we’re using Eric Lindvall’s excellent metriks library.

Making it easy for developers to add and visualize new metrics is just as important as enabling developers to build and continuously grow a test suite. The easier it is for someone to add a new metric and see it pop up somewhere, the more likely the buy-in from your team to get started.

I don’t have any metrics, get me started!

With a legacy code base (one that doesn’t have any metrics) similar ideas apply as to how to sneak tests into projects that don’t have any yet.

You start small and simple by adding metrics to the parts of the code you’re currently working on. You can gradually work your way up, that’s how the Travis CI code base got instrumented over time.

For instance, if you added a new feature that sends password reminders to users. You can start tracking how many you’re sending by adding a single line to your code.

def send_password_reminder(user)

This tracks how many you send. You can keep going and instrument the sending itself. Most of the time, when sending emails, some external resource is involved. Whether you’re talking to an API (think Mandrill, Postmark, et. al.) or using SMTP directly, there’s network overhead worth measuring.

def send_password_reminder(user)
  Metriks.timer('password_reminders').time do

Lots of libraries exist to instruments for all kinds of languages and frameworks. Most of them have been inspired in one way or the other by Coda Hale’s metrics library, and the talk it’s based on, “Metrics, Metrics Everywhere”. The talk gives a great introduction on the types of metrics that you can use to instrument your code, why you should instrument, and how that improves the transparency and visibility of what your application is doing.

The upshot of well-put metrics and accessible visualization is that you can put them up on a dashboard to increase visibility for everyone in the company, for everyone with a stake in the product.

Logs: The Why and the How

Where metrics tell you all about what’s going on, logs are the true soul of your application. Metrics only give you a numeric representation of what happened, logs tell you (ideally) why things happened. They’re your audit trail of steps your application took to execute a specific task.

While metrics can be easily unified using a common library, for logs that’s much harder to do. We’re using part automated logs that give a simple audit trail and part literal log output to determine what happened.

It can be tempting to try and make logging for your application generic. This works for quite a few things (tracing method calls, HTTP request details).

The important thing to remember is, when there’s an incident that requires investigation, there’s a person looking at the logs, trying to make sense of what happened and why.

Logging is the art of not saying too much, but also saying enough that an investigation can be done by a human. Just like adding metrics, it’s an evolutionary process, there’s no one right way to do it and to find the spots in your application that need to log meaningful data.

For instance, the part of our apps that handles trials for logs statements about trials that have expired, trials that have started and all that. On top of that we track metrics, but they’re anonymous, they have no relation to the account the trial is running for.

Once you’ve started logging, you need a place to aggregate them for simple search. There are services to help you get started, we’re using Papertrail for this very purpose. It’s wonderfully simple to hook it up to your Heroku apps and start logging.

Measure Everything, Log Anything!

To make sure that you can continuously ship code to production and to have confidence in what your application doing when running, logs and metrics are your first steps to more transparency and visibility.

While there’s no one way to integrate them, there are certainly a lot of options to get you started. Combined with a healthy test suite, both allow you to build and ship your code with confidence.