On Network Timeouts and Build Installation Retries

Mathias Meyer's Gravatar Mathias Meyer,

Since our move to our new infrastructure setup, we’ve seen spurious errors come up in builds on Travis CI. They mostly made themselves known by way of network timeouts installing dependencies from rubygems.org, npmjs.org, or simply cloning from GitHub. They seemed to happen randomly, but we do know they happened way too frequently for us to ignore them.

We started investigating, first looking at rubygems.org, because most of the error reports we initially received came from people using Bundler. The problems manifested themselves as connection timeouts when trying to install specific gems. This error came up in random spots, but mostly after installing a few gems, stopping right in the middle of the full bundle.

Talking to the fine people running rubygems.org, there were indications that this potentially was an SSL problem on their end which needs to be improved. We started looking into alternatives to using rubygems.org directly, namely running our own gems proxy that redirects directly to the gems stored on S3, taking load of rubygems.org, potentially reducing overall congestion and increasing chances of successful bundles.

Our Initial Remedy Attempts

The setup isn’t yet working, as there are some hurdles involved, in particular given that we want to avoid people having to put our Bundler source in their Gemfiles. Also, the rubygems package now installs its own SSL certificates and does strict checks based on them. We’re still working on this solution, but we do have some ideas on how to transparently implement it.

We also started looking into adding Bundler retries to Bundler when installing packages. We’re working on turning this into a patch that could hopefully make it into Bundler.

We got a bit more sceptical that this is just an issue with RubyGems after we got an increasing number of reports of failures even when using HTTP instead of HTTPS, when cloning from GitHub, installing libraries from npmjs.org, or even doing DNS lookups.

It started to look like more general network problems we’re dealing with.

We Have to go Deeper

We brought up this issue with our infrastructure team and started investigating deeper in our stack. We couldn’t find any evidence of exhausting our network address translation setup initially, which was our first suspect.

There were indications that a network link got exhausted. This has some plausibility as we run up to 350 builds at the same time, pulling in lots of data from different sources.

Unfortunately, we haven’t found the deeper cause yet. The link in question will be replaced soon, so we’ll see if that helps reduce the problems. Additionally we’ll spice up the network monitoring so we can monitor the overall usage of our links and our systems better.

Introducing Retries

As we have yet to find the causes for these issues, we decided to take immediate steps to reduce the impact on your builds and to avoid increasing amounts of builds ending up in an error state because of problems on our end. This leads to a very frustrating Travis CI experience, and we’re sorry that it took us a bit longer to realize that there needs to be an immediate fix for this problem.

Over the weekend we rolled out a little feature that retries certain steps of the build process should they fail initially. This currently includes installation steps like bundle install, npm install, and so on.

All our default commands for the install step are tried three times. This adds a bit more noise to the logs but it’s commonly a quick thing to rerun as these tools are smart enough to just reuse what they already installed and to continue working through the list of things they have yet to install.

This catches a big part of the timeouts, as subsequent runs are a lot more likely to succeed. It has the downside of retrying on other problems as well, but we deemed that an appropriate tradeoff until we’re coming up with better solutions, e.g. looking at the return codes of the tools.

The upshot is that when the command succeeds the second time, the entire set will be folded away neatly so it doesn’t clutter the logs visually.

We’re also adding this to git clones as well, it’s being deployed this very minute.

Retrying Your Own Commands

If you’re doing any custom installation of things from external resources, for instance to install Ubuntu packages, you can use this functionality as well. It’s exported as a shell function in the build script.

Instead of running sudo apt-get install something, make it travis_retry sudo apt-get install something.

Moving Forward

We’ll be installing better monitoring for our network layer, will add more diagnostic information to our logs so we can pinpoint any potential problems better and we’ll look into a more fine-grained way to determine if an installation failed because of timeouts or for other reasons.

We’re sorry for the bad experience you’ve been having on Travis due to these errors. The retries should reduce the overall impact of the timeouts for the time being, but we’ll work on reducing them coming up overall.

If you’re still seeing strange build timeouts or other errors that look spurious, please let us know!

Coffee Office Hours in Berlin

Mathias Meyer's Gravatar Mathias Meyer,

Josh, the long-lost child of Travis, has returned to Berlin and would love to meet you all over a coffee next Thursday, May 23.

Not only do you get to meet the entire Travis team and Henrik (our shipping hero of the week and main driver of our Mac integration), your coffee is on us.

To make sure you’ll have the finest fresh pots in Berlin, we’ll be at Café CK from 14:00 to 18:00 CEST. Join us for a chat about coffee, Travis, bacon or distributed systems, anything goes!

5 Million Build Jobs for Open Source Projects!

Mathias Meyer's Gravatar Mathias Meyer,

Today we crossed a magic number, we’ve had our five millionth job run for open source projects on https://travis-ci.org!

The happy 5 millionth job run award goes to meadsteve/JasminePHP.

Here’s a visual representation of the celebrations in our team’s Campfire:

To give you some more statistical context, we’re now doing more than 20_000 job runs on average every day, around 23_000 on weekdays, and around 15_000 on weekends. Keep on shipping that open source code!

Here’s to five million more build jobs!