The Worker gets a revamp

Josh Kalderimis's Gravatar Josh Kalderimis,


For the past 6+ months we’ve been working hard on a bunch of changes related to how your tests are run. This includes everything from the stability of the VMs, to the services we install on the VMs, and, not forgetting, how we run your test suite.

Travis is broken up into various small apps, each with a very focused responsibility. One of these apps is called Travis Worker and its responsibility is to manage a virtual machine (VM), get a Job from our queue (using RabbitMQ), run the build/job, and report the logs chunks and final job state.

This might sound like a big responsibility, and it is, but there is another piece to the worker puzzle, and that is Travis Build. Travis Build’s responsibility is to know how to run a build for a particular language. For example, a Ruby project uses Bundler for dependency management, while Node uses npm. And of course, these defaults are configurable and overridable.

Timeouts and Stalls

As much as we love Travis Worker and Travis Build, things aren’t always pain free. If you’ve been using Travis for any period of time you would have possibly come across two annoying bugs, the dreaded VMFatalError, and the stalled job (which also includes false timeouts). These issues are an awful and frustrating experience for our users, and no easier for us. I would go as far to say that every time a VM explodes or a timeout fails a test incorrectly, a German looses his lederhosen.

[ ![The Travis Team in Lederhosen]( ](
The Travis Team in Lederhosen

Fixing these issues have not been easy as there were three prime culprits, each being as hard to exonerate as the other:

  1. VirtualBox

  2. SSH

  3. net-ssh-shell

VirtualBox was definitely at fault for the VM explosions, that was easy, but it was also a possible candidate for the VM stalls as we postulated that it was interfering with the SSH connection causing it to hang, or that the network card might be causing issues.

SSH was also a logical explanation as maybe the connection was flickering and (maybe) net-ssh was trying to be forgiving when it should have just exploded and raised connection errors.

And latestly there was net-ssh-shell. Maybe we should explain how this works a little.

Since the dawn of Travis, the Worker has been using a Ruby gem called net-ssh-shell to help run your tests. This gem works around the issue of SSH not allowing you to run multiple commands after each other while also preserving the environment. net-ssh-shell effectively starts an echoless shell and then pipes in commands via STDIN while capturing the output (STDOUT) and listening for a little code it adds to figure out when the command has finished and what the exit code is. You can see the main code at work here.

This has worked great, but it’s also a bit of a hack which isn’t 100% reliable. All you need is for net-ssh-shell to miss a little bit of output, or for another process on the VM to print to STDOUT at the same time, mixing up the code it is waiting for, and you end up with a stalled job.

At the end of the day there is no single reason we can pinpoint and be sure of when it comes to false timeouts, it is highly likely a mixture of technologies and libraries used contributes to the problem, and it is highly likely compounded by Travis code.

So what have we been doing about it?

How we run your tests

About a month ago our amazing Sven had an idea, he thought it was a bit crazy at first so coded it mostly as an experiment, but it was such a super smart idea we just had to use it as soon as possible. Mind blowingly smart!

[ ![Spend 5 minutes with Sven and this is what happens to you!]( ](
Spend 5 minutes with Sven and this is what happens to you!

Instead of us running command after command using net-ssh-shell, we now create a shell script which includes all the commands we need to run, upload that to the VM, and then execute it! Boom! This means we now only need to run one command, capture the output and exit code, and all covered by the standard SSH spec. Even better, we now have a script you can run locally on a Linux or Mac machine to replicate exactly what we do!

Welcome to the new Travis Build, which can be found on the sf-compile-sh branch (for the meantime). You can read about it more here, which also includes links to example build scripts we generate.

What we run your tests on

VirtualBox has gotten us very far. It was great for development, had some fantastic features like snapshots and immutable disk images, and had some great tools built around it like Vagrant.

As we grew from one worker box to our current 24, maintenance of the VMs became a pain. Updating a worker took up to an hour as each VM on the host had to be provisioned and primed for use. Also, because of how VirtualBox works, we had to plan for how many Ruby boxes we would run, or how many Perl/Python/PHP (PPP) or JVM boxes we needed. To make a long story short, we could not easily dynamically decide what builds a host box could or would run.

And of course there are the API issues and VirtualBox specific errors, like trying to shut down VMs which looked liked they were shutting down but were actually stuck. Initially we implemented a crude ‘kill -9’ trick which would detect this error and then, well, shell out and kill the VM process using its process id, which seemed to work for a while, but was not fool proof by any means. In fact, it was merely a band aid around a more complicated issue of ‘what does the future architecture of Travis look like?’

The great thing is we finally have the answer to this question, and are very happy to say we now know what our next-gen architecture will look like. In fact, we have been testing it with the Rails and Spree queues, and since a week ago, the JVM queue. And over the next week or two we will be moving all queues to this new setup.

And don’t worry Travis Pro customers, we have been running a beta setup for a small set of customers too and it is working beautifully!

So what is this new setup you ask?

We will save most of these details for a later blog post after we’ve ironed out some of the bugs, but we will be partnering with a server hosting provider in the States who will be running a private cloud for us. This private cloud, backed with SSDs, will allow us to offer the awesome users of Travis greater resource allocations (3gigs of ram, double what we currently offer), and we are also looking at offering users the ability to pick your VM type, like the ability to test on 32bit Ubuntu AS WELL AS 64bit.

This is a huge maintenance relief for us as we can now focus on Travis features instead of having to maintain servers. We also pledge to update VMs more often so you have the latest and greatest services available for you to test against!

But wait, there’s more!

While we were at it we decided to add two often requested features to this new code base, these being an ‘errored’ build state, and better, more flexible time outs.

From now on, if any command before your actual tests are run fails we will mark your test run as errored. For example, if bundle install or apt-get install a-missing-lib fails then you job is ‘errored’ not ‘failed’ . Even better, we also mark your PRs with this state if they fail due to reasons other than failing tests!

[ ![Did someone say "errors in pull requests"?]( ](
Errors in Pull Requests!

The fine grained timeouts we’ve been using for the past year and a half were good, but they became restrictive for some. Restricting how long your app spends installing dependencies is annoying, especially when your test run might only take a fraction of the time. Instead we are now moving to a global 50 minute job timeout, and if no log output has been received in five minutes then we cancel the job. Why five minutes you say? We have found that not having log output from a job run points towards either a stalled test suite, or stalled process. A good example of this is some jobs start a background webserver but sometimes forget to stop it, causing the job to sit and wait. And of course, we mark these timeouts as errors as well!

So where to from here?

Although we have made a lot of headway, we still have a long way to go. For example, starting a VM incurs a startup cost of around 30-40 seconds, sometimes greater depending on load. We need to prestart VMs and have them waiting in a pool. We also need to remove the notion of defined queues, e.g. having 30 VMs for Ruby builds and 30 for PPP means if the Ruby queue is empty and the PPP queue is knee deep in jobs, we should be dynamically allocating capacity where and when needed!

So please be patient with us over the next couple of weeks as we roll out these changes and more. If you experience any issues please report them to our GitHub issues page on travis-ci/travis-ci. And, as always, free feel to drop by our IRC room (#travis on freenode) if you have any questions, comments, or advice :)

I want to finish off by saying sorry to everyone using Travis and who’ve had to put up with these issues. We are very sorry for the delay in getting these issues fixed, and hope that the awesome we have planned for you brings great smiles to your face and a sparkle to your heart :)

Have a fantastic weekend,

The Travis Team.

More CLI tricks

Konstantin Haase's Gravatar Konstantin Haase,

Just a few days ago, we announced our new command line client. We just did a new release, and are proud to announce that it learned a few new tricks.

![Most of the commands that were part of the new travis gem release.](/images/new-tricks.png)
Most of the commands that were part of the new `travis` gem release.

These are the commands that shipped with today’s 1.1.0 release:

  • console - opens up a pry console with the travis gem loaded, authentication taken care of, and all constants imported
  • disable - disables a project, but why would you want that?
  • enable - enables a project, now we’re talking
  • encrypt - encrypts strings with the project’s public key
  • endpoint - displays the API endpoint
  • help - gives you more infos
  • history - displays the project history, filter with --branch or --pull-request
  • login - authenticates you
  • logs - displays logs for a given job number
  • open - opens the repository, a build or a job on Travis or GitHub
  • raw - let’s you play with the API payloads directly
  • restart - restarts a build or a job
  • show - displays a build or a job
  • status - displays the current project state, use -pqx for shell scripting galore
  • sync - triggers a new sync between Travis CI and GitHub
  • version - well… you know, the version
  • whatsup - tells you what’s going on on Travis
  • whoami - in case you forgot who you are (or want to check if you’re logged in)

Additionally, the underlying Ruby library has seen a lot of improvements, check out the documentation.

Now get excited and make things.

New Command Line Client

Konstantin Haase's Gravatar Konstantin Haase,

Up until now, using secure environment variables for private projects was not the most pleasant experience. This was due to our command line client not being able to talk to Travis Pro.

We are happy to announce that this has been fixed. Not by hacking something into the old client, which was more or less just a collection of Thor scripts, but by completely rewriting it. Right now the new client doesn’t do that much more besides encrypting things, but we hope that this will change in the future.

Setting it up

If you still have the old client installed, we recommend you do

gem uninstall travis-cli

As with any gem, run

gem install travis

That’s it for public repos. If you want to use it for your private projects, you’ll need to login:

travis login --pro

You can verify if you’re already logged in by running

travis whoami --pro

Encrypting things

If you’re in your projects directory (or a sub directory), you can simply run encrypt with the string you want encrypted. Some fancy features include piping into encrypt (handy for encrypting deploy keys etc) and using --add to automatically add it to your .travis.yml.

![Encrypting Things](/images/encrypt.png)
Using the new CLI to encrypt a text file

A Ruby library

The new client ships with a Ruby library it uses internally.

For instance, the following script:

Will print something like this:

travis-ci/travis passed
travis-ci/travis-boxes passed
travis-ci/travis-worker failed
travis-ci/travis-build passed
travis-ci/travis-api passed
travis-ci/travis-web passed

What’s next?

We want the Ruby library to reach 100% coverage of our API. Thus anything the web front end can do - and potentially more - will in the future be possible with this library. We would also love to add more functionality to the command line client, check out our TODO list to see what we have planned.

Needless to say, this client is fully open source, so any contributions are very much welcome!

PS: It also runs on Windows!