Travis Artifacts

Piotr Sarnacki's Gravatar Piotr Sarnacki,

TL;DR Travis prepares a solution to easily upload files produced while running tests to any external storage service. If you want to test it, you can go straight to install instructions.

Travis is already very good at running your tests, but we feel that we can do much better job with things that happen after the tests have finished running. First step in this direction is what we call build artifacts. Artifacts are files which are produced while running the tests. It may be compiled version of a library, screenshots done while running your tests in the browser or logs that can help with debugging test failures.

How to use?

We chose to start with something very simple, so travis-artifacts is just a simple gem that is not built into travis architecture in any way.

In order to use artifacts you need to do a couple steps:

  1. At this point we support only s3, so you need s3 account and credentials. After grabbing the information from your account, you need to add it to .travis.yml using 4 env variables:

    • ARTIFACTS_AWS_REGION - the default is us-east-1

    Last two vars should be kept secret, so you should encrypt them using travis gem, just like this:

    travis encrypt ARTIFACTS_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=abc123 -r owner/repo_name

    In the end your .travis.yml should look something like:

       - "ARTIFACTS_AWS_REGION=us-east-1"
       - "ARTIFACTS_S3_BUCKET=drogus-artifacts"
       - secure: ".......long encrypted string............."
       - secure: ".......another long encrypted string....."
  2. Next thing is to install travis-artifacts gem in before_script stage, simply add this to your .travis.yml:

       - "gem install travis-artifacts"
  3. And finally we can add lines that will upload your files:

      - "travis-artifacts upload --path logs --path a/long/nested/path:short_alias"
    after_failure: # this will of course run only on failure
      - "travis-artifacts upload --path debug/debug.log"
    after_success: # and this only on success
      - "travis-artifacts upload --path build/build.tar.gz"

    The default path to save files is “artifacts//”, but you can customize it with --target-path option, for example:

      - "travis-artifacts upload --target-path artifacts/$TRAVIS_BUILD_ID/$TRAVIS_JOB_ID"
  4. Profit!

In short future we would like to extend it with more providers and features, as well as listen to your ideas, feedback and specific use cases. Please let us know what are your thoughts on this topic.

Why don’t we use .travis.yml?

You may be wondering why we chose to create artifacts as a simple script rather than addition to .travis.yml. At first this was my idea, but frankly speaking .travis.yml is getting more and more complex, so we want to test new ideas without touching .travis.yml format and then decide how to handle it in config, when we have more information on usage.

A bit longer story

When you run tests on travis, you can run any code in a various stages of test execution, so obviously you could use your own scripts to upload build artifacts to s3, but unless you have really specific needs, you’re probably reinventing the wheel.

When I started working on this task, at first my nature of “let’s build something epic” took part and I prepared a proposal for a thin uploader script, which would upload files to some kind of full blown proxy service, which would then process them and upload to some kind of storage. I think it’s a quite good and flexible idea, but when you’re short on manpower it becomes a bad one. If you add the fact that currently we need to put a bit more work into architecture improvements and that deploying code to workers is far from ideal, it becomes even worse. So in order to allow test things and iterate quickly, the best way is to come up with something that can be developed without any coupling with the rest of the platform.

The other argument for going in such direction is that we’re not yet sure what will we end up with. Maybe it will not evolve too much, but maybe based on use cases and feedback we will change a lot in a way it works.

During the development of artifacts I wanted a way to run scripts regardless of test results. There was no such hook, so I wanted to change after_script to behave that way. I also exposed the TRAVIS_TEST_RESULT environment variable so you can check if tests failed or passed at this point. This is a general purpose change in a way travis works and it will be probably used in a lot of other use cases. That’s why it’s easy to justify such change into one of the travis apps.

This is also a good way to deal with things in open source in general. Sometimes you would like to make an addition to a library, which can’t be accepted. It may be something that is a specific use case, which will not be used by a majority. It may be something that is not yet well formed as an idea and needs testing or maybe maintainers are just not interested in going that way. In such situations you can either fork the project, which is not a good solution in the long run, because you need to maintain the fork, or you can extend the library to allow you to plug in your extensions. I really like the latter approach, because not only does it make the library more flexible, but it also makes your life easier.

Does this way of building thing have its drawbacks? Of course. For example, it will be hard to save the list of uploaded files to the database and fetch it with the API. But maybe we won’t need this feature at all? It’s better to check it as quickly as we can, than make assumptions that can turn to be wrong.

A Few Numbers

Konstantin Haase's Gravatar Konstantin Haase,

I recently gave a presentation about Travis CI at Øredev. For this preparation, I sat down with our production database and ran a few aggregations. Our schema currently makes some of these not that easy, so most of the following numbers were pretty new to us, too.

Before you take a look at the graphs below, a word of warning: The data is not fully up to date (numbers are as of October 26).

Projects and Activity

Active Projects

As you can see, our number of open source projects has crossed 25k about two months ago and is now steadily growing at about 90 new projects a day.

Interestingly, if you look at the open source vs private project ratio and then compare it with the overall system activity, it is easy to see that private projects are more active on average.

Test Suite Executions

This actually makes sense if you think about it. Most open source projects are developed as side projects and see some commits now and then, whereas private projects often have a team of full time developers behind it.

For instance, by far the most active OSS project on Travis CI is Rails with more than 5500 builds. While Rails has been using Travis CI for nearly 1.5 years now, we saw private projects cross that number in no time.

Push vs. Pull Requests

Here is one thing we didn’t expect. Look at pull requests compared to normal pushes for open source projects:

GitHub Events for Open Source

We expected the ratio to be different for private projects. And it indeed is, but exactly not the way we would have guessed.

GitHub Events for Private Projects

I would have thought pull requests would be less common for private projects. Turns out, the vast majority of private projects seem to embrace feature branches and use pull requests for code review. Way to go!

Programming Languages

If you look at the distribution of programming languages on Travis CI, you easily see that it’s while Ruby is still the most used language, we now have more projects not using Ruby than we have projects using it.

Open Source Projects by Language

And for private projects, more than 75% are Ruby. Both is actually to be expected. While Travis CI is general purpose, it came from the Ruby community, where it matured to the de facto standard for open source projects. And most of the companies donating to our crowd funding campaign are working with Ruby.

Private Projects by Language

One last thing I did, and I’m not sure it was a wise thing to do: I looked at whether the last build of each project was failing or passing, and then grouped that by language. That build could have been a pull request or feature branch, it does not necessarily reflect the master branch or project state.

Success Rate by Language

I actually published this graph before the conference and it sparked much debate.

It’s also interesting to see that the open source success rate was always above the rate of private projects.

What’s next?

We really love stats. And, even though these stats are already pretty interesting, they are also somewhat basic.

If you love to see more stats, then we have some really good news for you: We have a group of HTW students currently playing with our data (of course all sensitive data removed and only for open source projects). They’re figuring out what conclusions to draw from it and how to best visualize that at the moment. More in due time.

An Update on Infrastructure Changes

Mathias Meyer's Gravatar Mathias Meyer,

We’ve had our share of issues over the last few months, and it’s time we give you an update on what we’ve been doing about them.

The most important bit up front is that we’re breaking Travis down into more and more small apps. We traditionally had one big component, called the hub, which took care of pretty much everything: incoming build requests, processing builds, processing build logs, processing notifications, synchronizing users with GitHub.

As Travis grew, this single component broke our neck left and right. So we decided to take it apart into several smaller apps, all with a strict focus on a single concern. Let’s go through them one by one.


We made improvements to logs by breaking it out of the hub entirely. Processing them runs in parallel so we can make sure we can keep up with the increasing log volume.

To give you perspective, handles about 1500 log updates per minute during peak hours, while has to handle 2500. In situations where our log processing has temporarily backed up, it handled 4000 updates per minute. While that only boils down to ~66 writes per second, our current data model is bound to break down eventually as we scale up, as too much data needs to be written with each write.

Needless to say, we’re far from done with improving log processing. They tend to be the biggest factor in the data Travis processes. They also take up the vast majority of data we store.

Even our current design doesn’t yet fully allow us to scale out horizontally.

Logs are currently kept in a single attribute per build job, which is far from optimal. While we can do a good amount of writes there per second, we want to move to a setup where we only keep log chunks around.

By breaking up logs as we store them, we remove the need for temporal ordering, which is our biggest breaking point right now in log processing. We rely on the order of the log messages to be processed, and that’s the bane for any distributed system as it grows and needs to scale up. By removing that need we can process logs in parallel regardless of the order in which messages arrive. The write process leaves reassembling and vacuuming log chunks into full log files to other processes, making sure that it gets the highest throughput possible when storing them.

Fixing this is highest on our list of things to tackle next, and we’ll keep you posted.


Build notifications like email, Campfire, IRC, etc. have been moved to their own, isolated app. It has no contact with our main database at all anymore, it just handles payloads and triggers the notifications that notify you of build results.

This app is called travis-tasks and was our first app to run on Sidekiq, a multi-threaded replacement for Resque based on Celluloid.

As notifications are exclusively bound by I/O, it makes a lot of sense to allow them to run multi-threaded.

Currently travis-tasks is still bound by a shared Redis instance, something we’re considering improving in the future, to decouple it even more from the other apps.

Build Requests and User Sync

Handling build requests is also mostly a matter of I/O, as we fetch data from GitHub and create builds in the database. Same is true for user sync, a part of Travis that has been rather unstable before introducing this component, aptly called gatekeeper.

Both parts of Travis now also run on Sidekiq, which allows us to not only run a lot more build requests in parallel, across multiple processes, it also allows us to make use of some of Sidekiq’s neat features, like retries with exponential back-off.

Should a build request temporarily fail because a glitch in the GitHub API, Sidekiq tries again a few seconds later, expanding the interval between retries over time. It’s a very handy feature for our use case.

Even if there’s a prolonged issue with the GitHub API, we can make sure that we don’t lose any build requests because of it.


Both Travis platforms are now running off a pair of Heroku Postgres Fugu instances, with a master and a follower each, allowing us to do emergency failovers if necessary. We had to make use of this neat feature a few times unfortunately, as we hit a Postgres bug whose root cause has yet to be fully determined.

As Travis grew, the write latencies on the smaller instances were suboptimal, slowing down log processing and accessing the data.

On the new instances, our write latencies are commonly around 20-50ms in the 95th percentile, which is pretty good for our use case currently.

Lots of little apps!

The future of Travis’ architecture is in lots of smaller apps, that’s for sure. Breaking out separate concerns into their own apps has the benefit of being able to improve, grow and scale them independent of each other. While we still have lots of work to do there, but the recent changes have shown us the direction we’re heading into.

Another big hurdle we had along the way was managing dependencies, so we started grouping our core dependencies by concern so that we can start breaking that apart into smaller dependencies based on concerns instead of layers.

All of the above apps are now running on JRuby 1.7. Being able to process things in parallel is a big benefit for us, and JRuby’s native threading is a natural fit there. Thanks to Heroku’s easy application deployment model, we’ve been able to iterate on this and set up new apps quickly.

Travis is still growing, and making sure both platforms are running as smoothly as possible is our biggest priority. It’s still a lot of work, so please bear with us.

We have other infrastructure changes planned, but more on those in another blog post.