Improving the Quality of Service on Travis CI

Mathias Meyer's Gravatar Mathias Meyer,

The growth of Travis CI has been tremendous over the last year. We’ve seen lots of projects adopt it as their continuous integration platform, and we couldn’t be more thrilled about that.

Along the way, we discovered pain points in the Travis architecture and in the way the platform handles fairness in builds. Big projects with big build matrices tend to cause our queues to clog up and make other projects wait until they’re fully done.

With bigger projects tending to have longer builds, that caused a bit of worry with lots of smaller projects that had to wait in the queue for the bigger projects to build.

We’ve been pondering for quite a while how we could solve this problem and introduce more fairness into the system, allowing smaller projects to build quickly and giving all projects a fair share of build resources on Travis CI.

We’re introducing a limit on the number of concurrent builds that every project can run on Travis CI. So far, we’ve immediately queued a project’s entire build matrix onto our queue, ready to be picked up by a worker. That’s one of the basic reasons why big projects with big matrices tend to make smaller projects wait. It’s a first-in-first-out queue, so they’ll patiently wait until all of the builds are done and it’s their turn.

With the new logic in place, one project can run five concurrent builds. As soon as one is done we’ll automatically push the next. If we have capacity and a project still has five builds running we’ll push another project on the worker queue. That way, we ensure that a certain level of fairness allows all projects to build as quickly as possible while making sure that a small number of projects can’t fill up the queues for everyone.

We’re aware that this might cause builds for projects with bigger build matrices to take a bit longer, but we think the overall fairness introduced by this change makes Travis a place that’s evenly shared by the community.

We’ll be watching how that change works out in production, and fine tune the number of concurrent builds if necessary. The number five is something we chose based on the overall fairness and the build capacity we have available but it’s not written in stone. We’ve also been thinking about taking into account the general runtime of builds for a particular project and be smarter about scheduling by giving projects with faster test ways a head start. But that’s just off the top of our heads for now, we’ll keep an eye on how things are going with the current change in place.


Now that we’ve looked at the fairness side of things, let’s look at the technical side of things.

So far, we’ve pushed builds immediately onto our RabbitMQ queue as they come in. This had the advantage that they’d be popped off in the order they arrived in Travis, and we wouldn’t have to worry about scheduling.

But it also meant that our queues would have to be kept in sync with the database. Should we lose the jobs queued in RabbitMQ for some reason, we had to manually queue them. With the new logic, the database is the single source of truth and jobs are only queued if there’s capacity available to build them.

Instead of pushing a job immediately on the queue, it’s now only stored in the database. A job is now scheduled based on the heartbeats we receive from a worker. If a worker signals that he has build capacity, and we find a build that’s ready for the worker’s language queue, it gets pushed and built. Within that logic we embedded the limit on concurrent builds along the way. If a project has reached its limit, another one that’s available gets pushed instead.

All this has the benefit that we’re starting to move into a direction where Travis is agnostic to the message transport used between the system’s components. We could use ZeroMQ or simple HTTP instead, because we’re doing simple inter-process communication instead of relying on the ordered nature of AMQP, because exact order is not important anymore.

Another upshot of this is that we don’t need to do manual requeing anymore, the new logic will automatically pick up any build that’s ready to be built.

We have several areas in Travis where order is still important currently, but we already have ideas on how to tackle them. We’ll keep you posted on the technical details!

On a fun side note, the changes described here were deployed earlier today. Here’s a graph of the average run time of handling worker updates went through the roof, middle finger style, until we added a database index:

Librato Metrics

Today’s motto:

The Bottom Line

Introducing a quality of service level to Travis CI doesn’t only introduce a predictable level of fairness into the community platform. It’s also the groundwork for Travis Pro, where we put a limit on and will charge based on the number of concurrent builds for an organization.

Travis Pro Update: Deploy Keys

Mathias Meyer's Gravatar Mathias Meyer,

As development on Travis Pro, our continuous integration platform for private repositories, hums along we thought we’d give you an update on how things are going and what kind of new features make their way into it.

Last week we rolled out a new feature that’s pretty much invisible to the user, but still important to make Travis Pro more user-friendly: automatic generation of deploy keys for private GitHub repositories.

Why is this important? Private GitHub repositories can only be accessed using an SSH key (there’s a secret other way to access them, but we don’t dare talk about it in public). If we only rely on a user’s SSH key, that would compromise security by allowing access to all his repositories, so we need to add an SSH key that’s solely for Travis to use.

Until last week, our fall-back was to use a little script that generates a new deploy key for you and generates a .travis.yml file that includes the key and instructions on how to manually add it to your GitHub repository.

We were not happy with the fact that it’s more work for people to start using Travis Pro and that it could potentially compromise security should a customer decide to give an external party only access to a snapshot of the source code but not to the repository. Accidentally handing over the deploy key might grant unwanted access to the repository.

So we added a neat feature that automatically generates a deploy key for you and adds it to the repository, and only this particular repository. You’ll get an email from GitHub notifying you of the fact. When we receive a push from a repository that doesn’t have an SSH key in the .travis.yml or in our system yet, we generate one and update the repository configuration on GitHub with the new key.

That way we don’t break existing projects that still have a .travis.yml configured and still allow for you to specify a key in the .travis.yml if you need to.

If you’re already using Travis Pro and have your deploy key set up in the .travis.yml, there’s an easy way to migrate. Just delete the source_key from the .travis.yml and remove it from the GitHub deploy keys as well. We’ll automatically generate a new SSH key for your repository the next time you push a commit.

Curious about Travis Pro? You can still donate to our Love campaign to get on the fast track to using it before we launch it to the public! If you donated, just hit us up on, and we’ll get you hooked up!

Support for C, C++ and Go projects

Michael Klishin,

Travis CI was designed to be an awesome testing service for anyone and everyone. With over 16,000 projects on Travis to date, it is not uncommon to see people pushing the boundaries and building projects Travis CI does not have native support for.

Over time we noticed that some languages gain enough traction on Travis that it makes sense to provide some sugar so that configuration and setup becomes as simple as counting to three. From fairly early on we’ve seen C and C++ projects being built and tested on Travis, as well as a surge of Go projects as of late.

Today we are happy to announce first class support for C, C++ and Go projects.

C and C++ support

To tell Travis CI to use the C builder for your project, specify the following:

language: c

and for C++ it is “cpp”:

language: cpp

By default Travis CI will run

./configure && make && make test

to compile your project and run the tests. It is possible to override this behavior by specifying your own install: and script: commands.

Historically, Travis CI environment only had GCC (currently 4.6) preinstalled but with the first class support for C and C++ project, we’ve added Clang (3.1) and introduced a way to switch compilers using the compiler key in .travis.yml.

For example, to build with Clang you just need to add the following to your .travis.yml:

compiler: clang

or both GCC and Clang:

  - clang
  - gcc

Testing against two compilers will create two rows in your build matrix, or possibly more depending on your other configuration settings. If you are familiar with how testing against multiple Ruby versions or JDKs works on Travis this should sound familiar.

During each test the Travis CI C builder will export the CXX env variable to point to either g++ or clang++ and CC to either gcc or clang.

See C support and C++ support guides for more information.

Some real world examples that already use C++ support and test against both GCC and Clang:

Go Support

Although the Go community is young and practices around continuous integration for Go libraries and applications are still being discussed, we have had many people shout out for first class support in Travis.

Travis VMs are 32 bit and currently provide

  • go 1.0
  • core GNU build toolchain (autotools, make), cmake, scons

Go projects on Travis assume you use Make or the Go build tool by default. If there is a Makefile in your repository root Travis will just run make, otherwise it will run

go get -d -v && go build -v

to build your project’s dependencies and

go test -v

to run tests.

To tell Travis CI to pick the Go builder for your project, specify the following:

language: go

Here are some projects using it today:

Our documentation guides cover Go support on Travis CI. There is no support for multiple versions of Go because at the moment as the only released version of Go is 1.0.

Thank you, contributors

Go support was designed and implemented by Peter Bourgon and Michael Klishin.

C and C++ support was designed and implemented by Michael Klishin with help from Dirkjan Bussink.

Happy testing!

The Travis CI Team