Thank you for the AWESOME support

Josh Kalderimis,

plus a little treat for you :)

[ !["Received @travisci stickers today :)" - Marek Nowak]( ](!/yundt87/status/202781296223715328)
"Received @travisci stickers today :)" - [*Marek Nowak*](!/yundt87)

When the ‘Love Campaign’ was launched back in February we didn’t have a goal in mind with how much we wanted, or needed, to raise. The general idea was simple: the more we raised the more we could work without having to worry about where rent money came from.

The first couple of days of donations were insane, with the majority of all the money raised coming within the first 24 hours of us opening the door. It was amazing and very humbling to know that the community was behind Travis and also behind us.

Well, three months and ten days later we are ecstatic to announce that we have raised $100,000 !!!

The one thing we did not anticipate or plan for was the time needed to ship all the swag and personal notes to all the donators. In fact, to say we were running behind was an understatement. Even the personal notes took longer than we expected due to the love we put into it. For example, for all donators of $35 or more we needed to sort out the following:

[ !["Here are the @travisci love stickers! Thank you guys!" - Jaime Gil de Sagredo]( ](!/jaimegil/status/202841263471476736)
"Here are the @travisci love stickers! Thank you guys!" - [*Jaime Gil de Sagredo*](!/jaimegil)
  • A wax seal of the Travis T (we even included some special words surrounding the T)
  • Lots and lots of wax, including a special wax gun! (we did not even know they made them)
  • A specially designed Love Certificate, and lots of them
  • Lots of big envelopes so the certificates and swag didn’t get damaged
  • Several days of wax sealing, packing, and addressing 400+ envelopes
  • And personally handwriting the donor’s name along with a one-of-a-kind note onto the certificate. (Which also meant that we could not simply prepare a huge stack of certificates, we needed to add them to the right envelope for the right donation package, addressed to the right person.)
[ ![Travis Logistics]( ](
Travis Logistics

It was all worth it though, it even made us think about starting ‘Travis Logistics’.

All this swag is in the mail right now, and for lots of Europe and America it should be arriving at your door, ready to be attached to your laptop or for your kids to play with!

In fact, if you want some swag or your own Love Certificate it isn’t too late to donate! ;)

What we have delivered so far

[ !["Dear @kanbanery @wooga. These two thank you for the @travisci support." - John E. Vincent]( ](!/lusis/status/203624917055455235)
"Dear @kanbanery @wooga. These two thank you for the @travisci support." - [*John E. Vincent*](!/lusis)

Apart from sending out swag we also promised to add some awesome new features to Travis. These included:

  • Support for more languages
  • Pre-tested pull requests
  • Private build support
  • Build artifacts

So far we have delivered the first two of these. With the help of the community and Michael Klishin we have added support for Perl, Python, Java, Clojure, Scala, and Haskell.

[ ![Loads of swag]( ](
Loads of swag

Also, we have implemented support for pre-tested pull requests, which has taken the community by storm. We are currently still unlocking accounts for donors before we will finally release the feature into the wild. So, if you would like to use it for your projects please shoot us an email.

We are also in the middle of completing private build support, which will be released as a product currently codenamed “Travis Pro - Magnum”. We have had a few handpicked users running builds on a alpha-stage system for quite a while, but we still need to put more work into it before we can add more users.

Expect a blog post next week with further details on what is going on with Pro, including how you can test drive it for yourself.

But we have some special news for you….

We are very pleased to announce that we are adding some goodies to each of the plans.

Two awesome companies, RailsCasts and Pragmatic Programmer, as well as our own Mathias Meyer have jumped on board to add some love to some of the current donation plans.

RailsCasts has been very generous and offered Huge, Big and Medium donators a month of RailsCasts Pro for free.

The Pragmatic Programmers have been awesome to offer all Huge and Big donators a free ebook of their choice.

[ ![Riak Handbook]( ](
Riak Handbook

And our own amazing Mathias has offered all Huge and Big donators a copy of the Riak Handbook!

PLUS we have decided to double the number of pair programming hours offered in the Huge plan, so now you can pair with your favorite developer for even longer!!

These new plans will take effect immediately, and over the coming weeks we will get in touch with all current donators to make sure you get the swag you deserve!

If you would like to upgrade your donation to one of the bigger plans, email and we can help you with it.

Last but not least

We would like to extend a massive amount of love and thanks to RailsCasts, Pragmatic Programmer, and Mathias for being so awesome and generous.

But even more important, we would like to thank every single person and company who has donated to say thanks for helping us make Travis awesome, we would not have been able to do this without the help from every single one of you!

[ !["In the mail today: Stickers from @travisci" - André Wendt]( ](!/awendt/status/201278013990641664)
"In the mail today: Stickers from @travisci" - [*André Wendt*](!/awendt/status/201278013990641664)

If you have any questions, comments, feedback, or love you would like to share with us, do not hesitate to email or tweet us and we will reply as soon as we can.

Have a fantastic week!

The Travis Team

Some quick facts:

  • We started the campaign on 7th of Feb
  • 100k raised on the 17th of May
  • 533 donations from individuals
  • 28 company donations
  • Over 5,000 pieces of swag sent out
  • Over 1,000 EUR in postage and envelopes to send all the swag
  • And so far only one envelope has been ‘return to sender’
[ !["Ma, see what the mailman brought :)" - Dennis Reimann]( ](!/dennisreimann/status/201273750849724416)
"Ma, see what the mailman brought :)" - [*Dennis Reimann*](!/dennisreimann)

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