Hiro is our Hero

Josh Kalderimis's Gravatar Josh Kalderimis,

It feels like only yesterday we welcomed Piotr, Anika and Justine to the team, well, now it’s time to welcome another awesome team member!

#Hiro Asari

Hiro Asari


Hiro should be a household name by now. An Engine Yard and Red Hat Alumnus, top JRuby contributor, and a lover of craft beers (New Zealand beers in particular).

Hiro has already started diving into our code, adding better permissions support to our API and Ember UI.

Expect a lot of awesome things to come!

We’re really excited to have Hiro join the family! When you have a moment, send Hiro a High 5 or 10!

Have a great week,

The Travis CI Team

State of the Mac Builds – Part II

Henrik Hodne's Gravatar Henrik Hodne,

Hello again! A few weeks back we blogged about the state of the Mac cloud, and mentioned about working to get iOS 7 and Xcode 5 up and running. I’d like to take a moment to review what we have been working on lately and how we’re working on getting this live for you to use.

When we first started to work on the upgrade to Xcode 5, we realized that we had to update OS X as well as Xcode, since Xcode 5 requires at least OS X 10.8.4, and we were still running OS X 10.8.2. While we were working with Sauce Labs, our Mac infrastructure provider, to update to 10.8.4, we also decided to switch to their new virtualization platform. This would make the Mac cloud faster, more stable and the process of updating to 10.8.4 easier.

We expect Xcode 5 and iOS 7 support to be live in the Travis cloud no later than Thursday November 7th, if not sooner.

We are very sorry for the extended delay in providing Xcode 5 and iOS 7 testing to you. While working on this update we have also been working on ways to get these updates live much faster in the future.

A quick note on OS X Mavericks, which was also released recently: We plan to support OS X Mavericks, and will start working on updating to OS X Mavericks as soon as we have Xcode 5 and iOS 7 testing live.

Update: We are working with our infrastructure partner Sauce Labs on the final stages of bringing the Mac cloud up, including the configuration of the API and testing the updated OSX image. Due to this, the upgrade to Xcode 5 and iOS 7 has been delayed until tomorrow, Friday November 8th. We’re very sorry for this additional delay and will update the blog as soon as we have more news.

Update II: We are continuing to work with our infrastructure partner on the update. The setup is taking longer than expected, we anticipate the update to be finished over the weekend.

New UI Improvements on Travis CI

Justine Arreche's Gravatar Justine Arreche,

For the past few weeks we’ve been working on updating our UI. All this work is part of a future plan for big and exciting changes to make Travis CI even better to use!

New Travis UI


Travis CI provides you with a lot of information for your projects and with that comes a lot of visual clutter. Our goal while cleaning up the UI is to minimize the amount of elements that could distract you from finding what you need to find. Here are some changes you might have missed upon first glance.

#The Details

New typeface, Source Sans Pro! This typeface was chosen because of it’s large x-height making it readable in both large and small sizes. With all the data we give you, we want to make sure we’re maximizing space and that sometimes means smaller type sizes. With a larger x-height we’ve increased legibility across the board.

Increased spacing between cells and columns. We know looking at Travis CI with multiple repositories can be overwhelming at times. Giving everything some good old fashioned leg room was in order. Now your eyes can focus on data with ease.

Flatter UI. Travis CI is data driven and we wanted to make sure we cleaned up your screen with the least about of distractions. That said we’ve done away with gradients and shadows and replaced them with a flat UI leaving you with nothing but the data you need.

New color palette. Travis CI not only wants to keep up with the times and stay freshy-fresh but the new color palette also serves a purpose. We’ve replaced the dark, heavy top bar with a lighter charcoal one to help balance the overall UI. Additionally, we’ve taken out all the black text and softened it with grey and blue to tie in more with our new Travis CI brand palette.

These are just some of the little things we’ve done that make a big impact towards making your Travis CI experience better. We’re really looking forward to continuing to improve our UI in the months to come and we encourage any and all feedback!

Have a great week,

The Travis CI Team